Searching for Books

Library Guide


Searching for Books in Marymount Library


Books are typically thorough, detailed, reviewed, and in-depth. Use the Table of Contents or Index of a book to zoom in on sections of interest.



How to Search for Books in Marymount Library:


  1. Go to "Find Books & More" under the "Research" section of the library website
  2. Click on the catalog image to search Marymount Library
  3. Enter 1-2 search words for your topic
  4. Click on the "Keyword" or "Subject"  button
  5. Browse the search results and click on interesting titles to learn more about those books
  6. Write down the titles and call numbers (e.g. P121.M343 2003) of interesting books


     Can't find any books? Ask a Librarian and we'll give you some tips. 

     Ready for Advanced Search?  Download and read these instructions. 


How to Find and Read Call Numbers


Follow these directions to read call numbers, which are simply book addresses, and find your books.


Example: P121.M343 2003


  1. Read the first letter P
  2. Find the bookshelves in the Library that say "P"
  3. Once you find the "P" section, then look for "121" -- the number before the decimal
  4. Look for "121", which will be in numerical order within the "P" section
  5. Once you find P121, now look for the next set of numbers and letters, e.g. "M343"
  6. Finally, look for the publication year on the shelf, e.g. 2003


Read this short guide on call numbers.